
Sent in His Name

Sent in His Name

Dave Riddle - 11/10/19

Key Passage: John 3:14-17

God is both Sent and Sender

  • John 17:18 - “As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world”

Jesus Followers are “Sent Ones”

  • Matthew 4:19 - follow me and I will make you fish for people.

    • Not, “I will make you perfect people”

  • Mark 3:13-14 - apostles (sent ones)

    • They were with him

    • They were sent out

Salt & Light

  • Matthew 5:13-16

    • Useful

    • Representatives of Christ

  • Philippians 2:15


  • 2 Corinthians 5:20

  • Representing Jesus in everything we do.

  • He is making his appeal through us


  • Acts 1:8

    • As witnesses, the only thing we’re called to be is truth tellers.

    • Not the judge, jury, prosecution, or defense.

    • We are witnesses that Jesus is alive and that he has changed our lives.


  • Matthew 28:19 - therefore go and make disciples of all nations...

Content and Conduct

  • We have something to tell

    • euaggelizō (Greek: εὐαγγελίζω) - to announce good news ("evangelize") especially the gospel.

  • The way we live should show evidence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.

    • The life of a Jesus follower should be aligned with the truth of God’s word.

Redeem and Restore

  • Has the Kingdom been fully realized? No. But we’re called, as members of the Kingdom, to play a role in that restoration.

    • Revelation 21:5 - “Look, I am making everything new”

What does it look like to live life as a Sent One?

  • That’s going to look different in each of our lives. One thing is certain though, for followers of Jesus, it isn’t optional.

Out (Our World)

A Family on Mission - Out (Our World)

Dave Riddle - 06/30/19

Key Passage: Matthew 9:35-38

A Quick Review

  1. One Calling

    • Help people follow Jesus together

  2. Two Commandments

    • Love God, Love Others

      • Mark 12:28-31

  3. Three Dimensions

    • Up, In, Out

Living on Mission like Jesus

He went.

  • Matthew 9:35 - “Jesus continued going...”

    • Teaching

      • didaskō (Greek: διδάσκω) - teaching with the purpose of transformation.

    • Gospelling

      • kēryssō euaggelion basileia (Greek: κηρύσσω ευαγγελιον βασιλεα) - preaching the good news of the Kingdom.

    • Healing

      • Jesus understood that people needed healing and he provided it.

He Noticed.

  • Matthew 9:36 - “when he saw the crowds...”

    • He didn’t overlook them or look past them. He saw them.

He felt.

  • Compassion

    • Matthew 9:36

    • splagchnizomai (Greek: σπλαγχνίζομαι) - to be moved as to one's bowels, hence to be moved with compassion, have compassion (for the bowels were thought to be the seat of love and pity)

He Explained

  • Matthew 9:37

    • The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few

Our Response

We Embody Jesus

  • Luke 6:40

  • We want to be like Him.

We Proclaim

  • Acts 1:8

  • Witnesses for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit

Two Outcomes

  1. Redemption

    • Ephesians 1:7

  2. Restoration

    • We can make a difference in a world of chaos.

The most important thing to remember is how desperately God loves you.

  • The world is full of individuals that God loves individually.

  • Do we see the world through God’s eyes or do we see faceless/nameless masses?

Up (Our Father)

A Family on Mission - Up (Our Father)

Dave Riddle - 06/16/19

Key Passage: Acts 13:22

The most important thing

  • Mark 12:28-30

Captured by the concept of worship

  • Romans 12:1

A rhythmic response to God’s self-revelation

  • 1 John 4:19 - “we love because He first loved us...”

A matter of our hearts

  • Mark 7:6



  • 1 Samuel 16:7

    • “...the Lord looks at the heart”

  • Acts 12:22

    • “...a man after my own heart”

    • We are called to align our hearts with God’s heart.

Allow God to be first

  • Philippians 3:7-14

  • Make God the object and pursuit of your life.

Rely on God’s power

  • 1 Samuel 17

  • Romans 8:11 - the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you!

Rest in His authority

Live in full transparency

  • Psalm 139 - you have searched me and know me.

Two Outcomes

  1. We are loved

    • The creator of the universe loves you!

    • 1 John 3:1 - his love is so great that we are called His children!

  2. Called to live in obedience!

    • John 14:15 - if we love God we will desire to keep His commands.

Be Bold - Grad Sunday 2019

Be Bold

Phil Woodman - 06/02/19

Key Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Steps to a bold life that impacts the world for Jesus.

Bold Trust

  • You have followed my teaching

    • 2 Timothy 3:10

  • Continue on in it

    • 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Consistent Choices

  • Conduct - manner of life

    • 2 Timothy 3:10

  • Living sacrifice

    • Romans 12:1-2

    • Transformed, not conformed

Embrace our Purpose

  • Testify to the gospel of God’s grace

    • Acts 20:24

Expect Opposition

  • “All who want to live a godly life will be persecuted”

    • 2 Timothy 3:11-13

Chain of Blessing

Romans 11 - Chain of Blessing

Dave Riddle - 05/05/19

Key Passage: Romans 11:11-16

Link 1: Israel’s Loss Leads to the Gentiles’ Gain

  • Romans 11:11

  • Acts 13:46

    • Repeated in Ephesus, Corinth, and Rome

Link 2: Gentile salvation makes Israel jealous

  • Romans 11:11

  • Romans 11:13

Link 3: Israeli restoration brings a worldwide blessing

  • Romans 11:15

Paul’s Commentary on His Ministry

  • Romans 11:13

    • I want you to understand how important my job is!

Paul wants to stir up Envy

  • Romans 11:14

New life for some

  • Romans 11:14

In Conclusion

  • An escalated restatement...

    • Romans 11:15

  • ...including two simple metaphors.

    • Romans 11:16

      • A batch of dough

      • A tree and its branches