Calvary Men

Men’s Prayer Meetings

Morning Prayer
Tuesdays, 7:00-7:30 AM
Room 401 with leader, Randy Crites

Evening Prayer
Tuesdays, 7:00-7:30PM
Room 401 with leader, Paul Prong

men’s small group bible studies

We have several men’s Bible study groups meeting at various times and locations. For more information and to get connected with a group, please contact Richard Rich (

Calvary Men Self Assessment

We’re interested to see how you’re doing and how we can best form ministry strategies to meet your needs. Please take a moment to fill out the self assessment below.

 Men’s ministry opportunities Survey

Listen to the message of encouragement that Paul Trulock shared at the Mens Breakfast that occurred on 3-18-23. At the end of the message there are brief descriptions of a few of the ministry offerings for men that we will be looking to expand in the near future. When you’re ready, follow the link below to take the survey.

Jump ahead times:

Prayer Groups - 32:00

Small Group Bible Studies - 33:00

Encouragement Partners - 35:15

Individual Quiet Time - 42:50

Interested in joining a small group or getting paired up for one-on-one encouragement? Fill out the survey above and we’ll help you get plugged in!


Upcoming Events