
Come & See All That God Is Doing

Come & See All That God Is Doing

Nate Gangwer - 1/22/2023

Key Passage:  Psalm 66

Psalm 66:5 (HCSB): Come and see the wonders of God;  His acts for humanity are awe-inspiring. 


  • Wrong view: cherubs and harps

  • Correct view: Restoration

  • Revelation 21 - a new heaven and earth

    • A picture of physical restoration

  • Revelation 7:9 - people of every nation and tongue, worshipping God.

    • a beautiful picture of unity and diversity.

  • “When life is hard, put heaven on the other side of the scale”


  • Access

    • “Redemption is not just a ticket into Heaven”

    • Not just mercy, but grace.

    • 2 Corinthians 5:17 - new creations!

  • Adoption

    • We are called sons and daughters

    • There’s a big difference between being invited over for dinner and being part of the family

    • Romans 8 - We can call God “Abba” Father

      • We are co-heirs with Christ


  • Why should we care about the poor?

    • Guilt? The overwhelming testimony of scripture?

    • Because of what Jesus has done for us and because of the way God sees us.

    • If we can understand how God cares for us we can care for others.

  • Join the family business!

    • 2 Corinthians 5 - God is reconciling the world to Himself. We have the ministry of reconciliation.

    • Matthew 6: May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven

  • shalowm (Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם) - a very broad term that means health, security, tranquility, good condition, success, comfort, and more. 

    • it has layers of meaning related to peace.

    • Not just peace but full reconciliation

  • “The voice and the power of the gospel is reconciliation”

  • working by our own power = walking around with a candle

  • Living in God’s power = allowing God to blow out the candles Ava turn on the lights.

Come and see all that God is doing!

Chain of Blessing

Romans 11 - Chain of Blessing

Dave Riddle - 05/05/19

Key Passage: Romans 11:11-16

Link 1: Israel’s Loss Leads to the Gentiles’ Gain

  • Romans 11:11

  • Acts 13:46

    • Repeated in Ephesus, Corinth, and Rome

Link 2: Gentile salvation makes Israel jealous

  • Romans 11:11

  • Romans 11:13

Link 3: Israeli restoration brings a worldwide blessing

  • Romans 11:15

Paul’s Commentary on His Ministry

  • Romans 11:13

    • I want you to understand how important my job is!

Paul wants to stir up Envy

  • Romans 11:14

New life for some

  • Romans 11:14

In Conclusion

  • An escalated restatement...

    • Romans 11:15

  • ...including two simple metaphors.

    • Romans 11:16

      • A batch of dough

      • A tree and its branches