
Be Bold - Grad Sunday 2019

Be Bold

Phil Woodman - 06/02/19

Key Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Steps to a bold life that impacts the world for Jesus.

Bold Trust

  • You have followed my teaching

    • 2 Timothy 3:10

  • Continue on in it

    • 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Consistent Choices

  • Conduct - manner of life

    • 2 Timothy 3:10

  • Living sacrifice

    • Romans 12:1-2

    • Transformed, not conformed

Embrace our Purpose

  • Testify to the gospel of God’s grace

    • Acts 20:24

Expect Opposition

  • “All who want to live a godly life will be persecuted”

    • 2 Timothy 3:11-13