Message begins around 33:15
The Trinity in Jesus’ Own Words
Dave Riddle • 05/01/2022
Key Passage: John 14:16-31
The Father will give you a helper/counselor
John 14:16
Jesus and the Holy Spirit
John 14:17-18
You already know Him
I am coming to you
Compare this to what Jesus said in the passage from last week.
Jesus and the Father
(Last week) John 14:8-10
“You have seen the Father”
Jesus and the Father are one
John 14:20-21
I am in my father and my father is in me.
Jesus’ call for us
John 14:21 (John 14:15)
If you love Me, you will keep My commands.
Love = agapaō all four times in this passage.
(Matthew 28) obey… and teach others to do the same
If we don’t know his commands we can’t keep them, and we definitely can’t make and teach new disciples.
John 14:23-24
…we will come to them and make Our home with them.
We are part of the kingdom of God right now!
Already, not yet.
Sent = pempō: dispatched or sent on an errand.
The Holy Spirit and Jesus
John 14:26
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit —the Father will send Him in My name—will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.
How do we love Jesus? Keep his commands.
The Holy Spirit enables this by teaching and reminding us of the commands of Jesus.
John 14:27
Peace = eirene: a state of tranquility, harmony, and safety. In a Christian context: the tranquil state of a soul, assured of its salvation, fearing nothing from God, content with their lot, whatever it might be.
Jesus and the Father
John 14:30-31
Believe. How? Love. How? Live in obedience to his commands. How? Through the power of the Spirit.