The Last Supper
The Gospel of John - Part 25 • 3/21/21
Key passage: John 13:1-17
“He loved them to the end”
agapaō - agape, immeasurable and unconditional love.
Jesus knew three things (John 13:3):
The Father had given everything into his hands.
Jesus is always fully in control of His demise.
He is freely giving his life as a gift to His father and humanity to reconcile them.
He had come from God.
See John 7:28. Sent = pempō: dispatched or sent on an errand.
He was going back to God.
Jesus does something unprecedented
John 13:4-5
This would have been shocking and uncomfortable.
Sometimes we need to trust even when we don’t understand.
John 13:7-9
Peter immediately proves Jesus’ point.
You should do for each other, just as I have done for you
John 13:15 - For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done for you.
hypodeigma - an exhibit for imitation or warning. An example for imitation.
John 13:16-17
Don’t just know the word. Don’t just see this example. Do something! Follow His example.
Philippians 2:1-8
This is our calling. This is fundamentally what it means to follow Jesus.