
Authenticity Pt. 2

Vitals - Authenticity Part 2
Dave Riddle - 08/11/19
Key Passage: Romans 12:9

Key Aspects of a “Being Real” Culture

  • Honesty

  • Simplicity

  • Clarity

  • Sincerity

  • Humility

  • God’s Grace & Power

Four Areas to Consider

  1. Identity

  2. Emotional Health

  3. Spiritual Failure

  4. Convictions

Authenticity Pt. 1

Vitals - Authenticity Part 1
Dave Riddle - 08/04/19
Key Passage: 1 John 1:5-10. 2:1-2

Key Aspects of a “Being Real” Culture

  • Honesty

  • Simplicity

  • Clarity

  • Sincerity

  • Humility

  • God’s Grace & Power

Bona Fide Believers

  • We know who we are

  • We know what we’ve done

  • We know the necessity of confession

  • We know Jesus

    • Advocate

    • Holy

    • Answer