Follow Christ in Community

Follow Christ in Community

Paul Trulock - 7/7/2024

Key Passages: Hebrews 13:7-9, 17, 24

Remember your past leaders

- Hebrews 13:7

- Remember those who led you in the past. Those who pointed you to Christ.

- Continue to learn from what they taught you

- Imitate their faith

- We gain perspective by looking back.

Be steadfast in following Christ

- There is only one who can lead us perfectly.

- Hebrews 13:8

- We have a propensity to either be overly enamored or overly critical of our leaders.

- All human leaders are imperfect… but not Christ

- Joshua 1:7-8

- Hebrews 13:9

- Don’t be distracted by the next new shiny thing.

Submit to your present leaders

- Hebrews 13:17

- Not blindly following

- Our leaders will be held accountable


- Hebrews 13:24

- Be committed to a local church

- In community

- Serving

- 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

- Be at peace among yourselves and with your leaders.