Feeding of the 5,000
The Gospel of John - Part 15 - 1/3/21
Key passage: John 6:1-15
BIG Needs; REAL Needs.
John 6:5
Nearly 20,000 people, in need of a meal.
Jesus asks, “where could we get food to feed these people?”
A question to test Phillip.
Seemingly limited resources
John 6:7 - it would cost half a year’s wages to give all of these people a small snack!
John 6:8-9 - Here’s a little bit of food, but it’s nothing compared to the size of the crowd.
A little is a LOT in the hands of Jesus
John 6:11 - they had as much as they wanted, they were full, satisfied
Jesus involved his followers
John 6:12-13 - from doubting to active participants.
Always on Mission
John 6:15
the crowd wanted a miracle worker, a king, a new Moses. That wasn’t what Jesus came for. He had a different mission.
Do we put limits on our faith, church, outreach, ministry? Or do we truly believe that Jesus can do a lot with the little we’ve been given?