Romans - The Weak and The Strong

The Weak and The Strong

Dave Riddle - 1/26/20

Key Passage: Romans 14:1-15:13

In this context, “the weak” are most likely Jewish Christians who are hung up on strict dietary and ceremonial laws.

Full and Total Acceptance

  • Romans 14:1

    • Welcome them and don’t quarrel over opinions!

    • “Welcome” - proslambanō (προσλαμβάνω) take hold of; bring along; lead aside; welcome; gather together; take as ones helper; partner. 

    • Love them.

  • Romans 14:2

    • Freedom vs. strict adherence 

No Contempt or Condemnation

  • Romans 14:3-13a

    • We can’t allow minor disagreements to cause division among us.

    • We welcome them:

      • Because God does.

      • Because of Christ’s work

      • Because they’re our brothers and sisters.

      • Because we will ALL stand before God’s judgement some day.

Seek Peace and Health, not Stress and Destruction

  • Romans 14:13b-23

    • 14:13 - don’t cause stress and strife

    • 14:19 - pursue peace and build others up.

Choose to Support Others More than Satisfying Self

  • Romans 15:1-13 

    • 15:1 - the strong have an obligation to bear the weakness of the weak.

    • 15:2 - how do my choices impact others and help them grow in their faith?

Practical exhortations built on theological foundations.


  • Romans 15:7

    • Accept (proslambanō) one another, just as Christ also accepted (proslambanō) you!