Denying Jesus
Dave Riddle - 3/12/2023
Key Passage: John 18:15-27
Peter, much like us, had many triumphs and many failures.
John 13:37-38 - Peter’s denial foretold.
Matthew 26:31 and on - Peter says “It will never happen!”
The Other Disciple
Most likely John
Known to be a follower of Jesus
John 18:17
Peter’s First Denial
John 18:17
“I am not!”
John 18:19
Annas was the high priest before he was deposed by Rome
His sons and son-in-law went on to serve as high priest.
Annas was the real power behind all of them
This symbolic high priest interrogates our true high priest, Jesus.
Peter Denies Jesus Twice More
John 18:25-27
Confronted by several people, one who obviously knows him as the man who attacked his relative.
What does Peter do?
he tries to go back to fishing (his old life)
John 21