Our Philosophy
We believe that the purpose of all Christian endeavor is to glorify God (2 Cor. 3:18; Rev. 4:11). God is glorified when people everywhere submit to His will.
To this end, we determine to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19, 20), first given to His disciples and continuing as the Church’s on-going directive until He returns.
We believe that the Great Commission is obeyed when people are introduced to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (evangelism) and when they are assisted in spiritual growth by obeying Christ (discipleship). The Great Commission gives the responsibility to each believer to be a world Christian—one who is responsible for both witness for Christ at home as well as support of evangelism and discipleship around the world.
We believe that the Book of Acts clearly presents global outreach (home and abroad) as being accomplished by local churches. These local churches select, send, and support partners to evangelize and disciple peoples of other cultures with a view to starting other local churches and bringing them to maturity.
Therefore, Calvary Baptist Church will endeavor to continually seek out those Christian workers from our local body who are qualified, to commission them as our global partners and to help support their efforts both prayerfully and financially in obedience to the Great Commission. We will also endeavor to help support other qualified global partners who are able and willing to be accountable to our local body.
Our Purpose
To glorify God (Psalm 96:3).
To fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 16:15; 20:21; Luke 24:47; Isa 49:6)
To bring men to a saving knowledge of God (3 John 3:16-18; Romans 10:13-15)
To obey Christ by confessing Him to the world (Acts 1:8; Romans 1:16)
To serve in the development of His Church and Kingdom (Matthew 16:18; Mark 14:14,15; Ephesians 4:11,12; Acts 28:30,31)
To minister to the totality of human need (Mark 9:41; 2 Cor. 8:1-4)
Steve & Belva Rae* -- Japan -- SEND International
Ryan & Bethany* -- USA-MI -- SEND International
Mike & Elizabeth* -- Japan -- SEND International
Larry & Kelly* -- USA-AK -- SEND International
Chuck & Catherine* -- Ireland -- SERGE
Tim & Donna* -- USA-FL-- CRU
Jeremy & Cara* - ABWE
Lorn* -- Hungary -- CRU
Cindy* -- France -- CRU
Dave and Diane -- Thailand -- Assoc. of Baptists for World Mission
Tom and Lois -- Zimbabwe -- The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Jon and Tammy -- Japan -- The Evangelical Alliance Mission
York and Jodi -- USA-MI -- Coalition for Christian Outreach
Jim and Nancy -- Congo/USA-MI -- Laban Ministries, Int.
Boaz and Ruth -- Spain -- Gospel Missionary Union
Jim and Carolyn -- Spain -- Greater Europe Mission
Randy and Connie -- USA-TX -- Missionary TECH
Joseph -- Hungary -- Hungarian Ministries, Int.
Scott & Debbie -- USA-MI -- Reaching And Teaching, Int.
Brennen and Nicole - Athletes in Action
Robert and Pam - Village Missions
*Calvary Baptist Church is the sending church
Richard and Cindy Bailey -- USA-NY -- CHRISTAR
Judy Bigelow -- USA-AK -- Baptist Mid Missions
Karen (Ross) Fichtner -- USA -- CRU
Dave and Liz Givens -- USA -- SEND International
Don and Deb Hoover -- USA-IL -- Rural Home Mission Assoc., Inc.
Esther Reasoner -- Japan -- SEND International
Dean Saxton -- USA -- Wycliffe Bible Translators
Cal and Jan Sheppard -- USA-CO -- Twin Peaks Bible Camp
Jenny (Richard) Thompson -- USA -- The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Sharon (Larry) Warnemuende -- USA-MI -- Mission Aviation Fellowship
Jose and Carmen -- Ecuador -- World Radio Missionary Fellowship